Synthesis 2008(21): 3443-3446  
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1083190
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ˙ New York

Facile Conversion of Dithioesters into Carboxylic Acids or Esters Using Alkaline Hydrogen Peroxide

Fabienne Grellepois*, Charles Portella
CNRS UMR 6229, UFR des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, Bâtiment 18, BP 1039, 51687 Reims Cedex 2, France
Fax: +33(3)26913166; e-Mail:;
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Received 30 May 2008
16. Oktober 2008 (online)


Simple, mild, and environmentally friendly procedures for the direct conversion of dithioesters into either carboxylic acids or esters using hydrogen peroxide under alkaline conditions are described.


  • 1 For a review on the conversion of C=S into C=O, see: Corsaco A. Pistara V. Tetrahedron  1998,  54:  15027 
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  • 2b Metzner P. Thuillier A. Sulfur Reagents in Organic Synthesis   Academic Press; London: 1994. 
  • 2c See also: Abrunhosa I. Gulea M. Masson S. Synthesis  2004,  928 ; and references cited therein
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  • 15 For α-CF3 carboxylic acids, see for example: Hiyama T. Organofluorine Compounds: Chemistry and Applications   Springer Verlag; Berlin: 2000. 
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  • 16b Burke SD. Danheiser RL. Handbook of Reagents for Organic Synthesis: Oxidizing and Reducing Agents   Wiley; Chichester: 1999.  p.174-178  
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  • 22 Oxathiiranes have already been postulated as intermediates for the rearrangement of dithioesters into dithioperoxyesters, see: Metzner P. Pham TN. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.  1988,  390 
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  • 33b Metzner P. Thuillier A. Sulfur Reagents in Organic Synthesis   Academic Press; London: 1994.  p.41 

Aqueous hydrogen peroxide could be replaced by solid urea-hydrogen peroxide adduct (UHP). Under these conditions, acid 4 was isolated in 88% yield.


All aliquots were acidified before analysis by GC/MS. Intermediates were identified by comparison of analytical data (t R, MS peaks) with those of authentic samples of dithioester 3, acid 4, ester 5, thiolester 6, thionoester 7, sulfine 8, and dibenzyl disulfide.


Despite the fact that only 1 equiv of base is required, using a larger amount reduced the reaction time (1 h instead of 15 h).


Aqueous hydrogen peroxide could be replaced by solid urea-hydrogen peroxide adduct (UHP). Under these conditions, ester 5 was isolated in 50% yield.