Ultraschall Med 2022; 43(02): e1-e10
DOI: 10.1055/a-1376-6734
Original Article

Usefulness of New Shear Wave Elastography Technique for Noninvasive Assessment of Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B: A Prospective Multicenter Study

Der Nutzen der neuen Scherwellen-Elastografie für die nichtinvasive Beurteilung der Leberfibrose bei Patienten mit chronischer Hepatitis B: Eine prospektive multizentrische Studie
Jinfen Wang
1   Department of Ultrasound, Guangdong Key Laboratory of Liver Disease Research, Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
Manli Wu
1   Department of Ultrasound, Guangdong Key Laboratory of Liver Disease Research, Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
Runze Linghu
2   Ultrasound Department of Fifth Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China
Jiandong Chang
3   Department of Ultrasound, Xiamen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xiamen, China
Min Wu
4   Department of Ultrasound, Nanjing University Medical School Affiliated Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing, China
Cheng Feng
5   Department of Ultrasound, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Disease, Department of Ultrasound, Shenzhen Third People’s Hospital, Second Hospital Affiliated to Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China
Xinping Ren
6   Department of ultrasound, Ruijin Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China
Changzhu Liu
7   Department of Ultrasound, Guangzhou Eighth People's Hospital, Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China
Jie Lin
8   Department of Ultrasound, Mianyang Center Hospital, Mianyang, China
Tao Song
9   Department of abdominal ultrasound, The First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, China
Jionghui Gu
10   Department of Ultrasound, First Affiliated Hospital, College of medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Yao Zhang
11   Department of Ultrasound, Beijing Ditan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China
Ye Fang
12   Department of Ultrasound, Ningbo Yinzhou No 2 Hospital, Ningbo, China
Sumei Ma
13   Department of Ultrasound, The First Hospital of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Pingxiang Hu
14   Ultrasound Imaging Department, Shenzhen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Shenzhen, China
Linsong Wu
15   Department of Ultrasound, Fuyang People's Hospital, Fuyang, China
Xue Han
16   Department of Ultrasound, Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital, Harbin, China
Kaixuan Chen
17   Department of Ultrasound, Southwest Hospital, Army Medical University (Third Military Medical University), Chongqing, China
Qiusheng Shi
18   Department of Medical Ultrasonography, Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
Ruifang Zhang
19   Department of Ultrasound, Zhengzhou University First Affiliated Hospital, Zhengzhou, China
Qi Zhou
20   Department of Ultrasound, Xi'an Jiaotong University Second Affiliated Hospital, Xi'an, China
Ruiqing Du
21   Ultrasonography, Shijiazhuang Fifth Hospital, Shijiazhuang, China
Yongyan Gao
22   Ultrasound Department, Third Medical Center of PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China
Xiang Jing
23   Department of Ultrasound, The Third Central Hospital of Tianjin, China
Shunshi Yang
24   Department of Ultrasound, The Central Hospital of Wuhan, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Chang Zhou
25   Department of Ultrasound, Yichang Central People's Hospital, The First College of Clinical Medical Science, China Three Gorges University, Yichang, China
Jian Zheng
26   Department of Medical Ultrasound, Third Hospital of Longgang, Shenzhen, China
Ping Liang
2   Ultrasound Department of Fifth Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China
Rong-Qin Zheng
1   Department of Ultrasound, Guangdong Key Laboratory of Liver Disease Research, Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
› Institutsangaben
Gefördert durch: National Natural Science Foundation of China No. 81827802


Purpose To explore the usefulness of liver stiffness measurements (LSMs) by sound touch elastography (STE) and sound touch quantification (STQ) in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients for staging fibrosis.

Methods This prospective multicenter study recruited normal volunteers and CHB patients between May 2018 and October 2019. The volunteers underwent LSM by STE and supersonic shear imaging (SSI) or by STQ and acoustic radiation force impulse imaging (ARFI). CHB patients underwent liver biopsy and LSM by both STE/STQ. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUCs) for staging fibrosis were calculated.

Results Overall, 97 volunteers and 524 CHB patients were finally eligible for the study. The successful STE and STQ measurement rates were both 100 % in volunteers and 99.4 % in CHB patients. The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) for the intra-observer stability of STE and STQ (0.94; 0.90) were similar to those of SSI and ARFI (0.95; 0.87), respectively. STE and STQ showed better accuracy than the aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index (APRI) and fibrosis-4 index (FIB-4) (AUC: 0.87 vs 0.86 vs 0.73 vs 0.77) in staging cirrhosis. However, both STE and STQ were not superior to APRI and FIB-4 in staging significant fibrosis (AUC: 0.76 vs 0.73 vs 0.70 vs 0.71, all P-values > 0.05).

Conclusion STE and STQ are convenient techniques with a reliable LSM value. They have a similar diagnostic performance and are superior to serum biomarkers in staging cirrhosis in CHB patients.


Ziel Untersuchung des Nutzens von Lebersteifigkeitsmessungen (LSMs) mittels Sound-Touch-Elastografie (STE) und Sound-Touch-Quantifizierung (STQ) für das Fibrosestaging von Patienten mit chronischer Hepatitis B (CHB).

Methoden In diese prospektive multizentrische Studie an 26 Zentren wurden normale Freiwillige und CHB-Patienten zwischen Mai 2018 und Oktober 2019 eingeschlossen. Die Normalprobanden unterzogen sich einer LSM mittels STE und Supersonic Shear Imaging (SSI) oder mittels STQ und Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging (ARFI). Bei den CHB-Patienten wurden eine Leberbiopsie und eine LSM sowohl mit STE als auch STQ durchgeführt. Die Flächen unter den Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves (AUCs) wurden für das Fibrosestaging berechnet.

Ergebnisse An dieser Studie nahmen 97 Freiwillige und 524 CHB-Patienten teil. Die Quoten der erfolgreichen STE- und STQ-Messungen betrugen jeweils 100 % bei den Normalprobanden und 99,4 % bei den CHB-Patienten. Die Intraklasse-Korrelationskoeffizienten (ICCs) für die Intraobserver-Stabilität von STE und STQ (0,94; 0,90) waren ähnlich denen von SSI und ARFI (0,95; 0,87). STE und STQ zeigten eine bessere Genauigkeit als der APRI-Test („aspartate aminotransferase to platelet ratio index“) und der Fibosis-4-Index (FIB-4) (AUC: 0,87 vs. 0,86 vs. 0,73 vs. 0,77) beim Staging der Zirrhose. Allerdings waren sowohl STE als auch STQ dem APRI-Test und dem FIB-4 beim Staging einer höhergradigen Fibrose nicht überlegen (AUC: 0,76 vs. 0,73 vs. 0,70 vs. 0,71; alle p-Werte > 0,05).

Schlussfolgerung STE und STQ sind praktische Techniken mit verlässlichem LSM-Wert; sie haben eine ähnliche diagnostische Leistung und sind den Serum-Biomarkern beim Staging der Zirrhose bei CHB-Patienten überlegen.


Eingereicht: 11. April 2020

Angenommen: 18. Januar 2021

Artikel online veröffentlicht:
28. April 2021

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