Homeopathy 2012; 101(04): 224-230
DOI: 10.1016/j.homp.2012.08.006
Original Paper
Copyright © The Faculty of Homeopathy 2012

Individualized homeopathy in a group of Egyptian asthmatic children

Heba Farid Shafei
1   Complementary and Alternative Medicine Department, Medical Research Division, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
Soha Mahmoud AbdelDayem
2   Pediatrics Department, Medical Research Division, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
Nagwa Hassan Mohamed
1   Complementary and Alternative Medicine Department, Medical Research Division, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
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Received16. Oktober 2011
revised17. Mai 2012

accepted06. August 2012

29. Dezember 2017 (online)

Objectives: To evaluate homeopathy as an adjunctive treatment for bronchial asthma in children.

Methods: In a prospective observational longitudinal study the effects of individualised homeopathic medicines were assessed in 30 children with asthma as an adjunct to conventional treatment. The main outcome measures were frequency of attacks, use of medication, night awakening and spirometry at baseline and at follow-up till 6 months.

Results: There were clinically relevant and statistically significant changes in those measuring severity, indicating relative improvements after 3 months and absolute improvements after 6 months of treatment by homeopathic medicines.

Conclusions: This study provides evidence that homeopathic medicines, as prescribed by experienced homeopathic practitioners, improve severity of asthma in children. Controlled studies should be conducted.

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