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DOI: 10.1016/S2213-6320(15)00061-5
International Journal of Epilepsy
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Publication Date:
06 May 2018 (online)
Epilepsy Quiz:
Q.1 True about Aicardi Syndrome is (Dr Jean Dennis Aicardi 1926 – 2015)
A) Seen in female infants
B) No significant visual symptoms
C) Normal brain anatomically
D) Benign myoclonic jerks
Q.2 Which is seen in Panayiotopoulos syndrome?
A) Mainly tonic-clonic seizures
B) Onset age 10-20 years
C) Prolonged seizures of more than half an hour
D) Normal EEG
Q.3 What is characteristic of Landau kleffner syndrome?
A) Poor speech and hearing since birth.
B) Speech is normal throughout the course
C) Seizures are infrequent
D) Normal behaviour
Q.4 Sclerosis of which area of hippocampus occur in MTLE?
A). CA1
B). CA2
C). CA3
D). CA4
Q.5 Which drug causes Nephrolithiasis?
A) Oxcarbazepine
B) Lacosamide
C) Lamotrigine
D) Topiramte
Q.6 Which antiepileptic can produce parkinsonism
A) Phenytoin
B) Sodium Valproate
C) Levetiracetam
D) Oxcarbazapine
Q.7 Which antiepileptic can worsen seizures in benign rolandic epilepsy (BECTS)
A) Clobazam
B) Carbamezapine
C) Sodium valproate
D) Levetiracetam
Q.8. What is the diagnosis in the current EEG
A) Left posterior spike and wave discharges
B) EKG artifacts
C) 6-Hz benign variants
D) None of the above
Q.9. A 35-year obese female is having migraine and primary generalised epilepsy. Which anti-epileptic you will prefer
A) Carbamezapine
B) Topiramate
C) Sodium Valproate
D) Lamotrigene
Q.10. This child is having recurrent daily seizures for last 2years with poor response to antiepileptics and right hemiaparesis. What is the best treatment option?
A) Multilobar resection
B) Focal resection of left frontal lobe
C) Vagus nerve stimulation
D) Hemispherotomy
Q.11. Hemiconvulsion-hemiparesis and epilepsy syndrome (HHE) is characterised by –
A) Progressive hemiparesis
B) Generalised seizures at onset
C) Permanent and static hemiparesis
D) Normal MRI brain