Int J Angiol 1992; 1(2): 101-103
DOI: 10.1007/BF02651524
Case Report

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Unique clinical features due to cystic adventitial disease of the popliteal artery: Case report and consideration of etiology

Shinsuke Mii, Satoshi Ienaga, Nobuhiko Miyazaki, Takahiro Ishii
  • The Department of Surgery, National Beppu Hospital, Beppu, Japan
Weitere Informationen


22. April 2011 (online)


A 69-year-old man presenting with recurrent ischemic symptoms and signs of the left foot caused by a popliteal artery stenosis due to cystic adventitial disease (CAD) is reported. CAD should be considered as one of the diseases causing such unique clinical features and be treated surgically. The etiology of CAD in this case is discussed.