Scheuermann, J.  et al.: 2024 Science of Synthesis, 2023/5: DNA-Encoded Libraries DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-241-00198
DNA-Encoded Libraries Chemical Ligation/Encoding

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Editors: Scheuermann, J. ; Li, Y.

Authors: Barluenga, S. ; Bassi, G. ; Brunschweiger, A. ; Cai, B. ; Cazzamalli, S. ; Chheda, P. ; Cui, M. ; Cui, W. ; Fang, X. ; Farrera-Soler, L. ; Favalli, N. ; Feng, J.; Foley, T. L. ; Franzini, R. M. ; Georgiev, T. ; Gillingham, D. ; Gloger, A. ; Graham, J. D. ; Granados, A. ; Heiden, S.; Hou, W. ; Huang, Y. ; Keefe, A. D. ; Krusemark, C. J. ; Li, X. ; Li, Y. ; Lin, W. ; Litovchick, A.; Liu, G. ; Lu, X. ; Lucaroni, L. ; Ma, P. ; Migliorini, F. ; Molander, G. A. ; Neri, D. ; Nie, Q. ; Oehler, S. ; Prati, L. ; Puglioli, S. ; Reddavide, F. V. ; Satz, A. L. ; Sauter, B. ; Scheuermann, J. ; Schuman, D.; Simmons, N. ; Stanway-Gordon, H. A. ; Su, W. ; Sun, J. ; Thompson, M.; Vummidi, B. R.; Wang, X. ; Wang, Y. ; Wang, Z. ; Waring, M. J. ; Willems, S.; Winssinger, N. ; Xia, B. ; Xiong, F. ; Xu, H. ; Xu, L. ; Yang, G. ; Zhang, G. ; Zhang, Y. ; Zhou, Y.

Title: DNA-Encoded Libraries

Print ISBN: 9783132455221; Online ISBN: 9783132437357; Book DOI: 10.1055/b000000342

Subjects: Organic Chemistry

Science of Synthesis Reference Libraries

Parent publication

Title: Science of Synthesis

DOI: 10.1055/b-00000101

Series Editors: Fürstner, A. (Editor-in-Chief); Carreira, E. M.; Faul, M.; Kobayashi, S.; Koch, G.; Molander, G. A.; Nevado, C.; Trost, B. M.; You, S.-L.

Type: Multivolume Edition



In order to generate a library of DNA-encoded chemical compounds it is necessary to covalently attach multiple encoding tracts of DNA to each compound. The most widely practiced methodology to achieve this utilizes the enzymatic ligation of 5'-monophosphate oligodeoxynucleotide tags to 3'-hydroxyl oligodeoxynucleotide tags, typically with recombinant T4 DNA Ligase. This approach can be challenging owing to the inherent incompatibility of conditions supporting the enzymatic activity of T4 DNA Ligase with the specific conditions that are required for each chemical synthesis step. An alternative approach (pioneered at X-Chem) is to use non-enzymatic chemistry to join oligonucleotides together in a manner that supports downstream applications such as the generation of wild-type complementary DNA (cDNA), which can in turn be used as a template for PCR to support subsequent cloning and sequencing. A range of different chemistries may be used to support these processes, each paired with a specific molecular biological strategy to support the generation of cDNA.

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