2.3. 2 Addition of Water to C=C Bonds
Herausgeber: Faber, K.; Fessner, W.-D.; Turner, N. J.
Titel: Biocatalysis Organic Synthesis 2
Print ISBN: 9783131741615; Online ISBN: 9783131975317; Buch-DOI: 10.1055/b-003-125813
1st edition © 2015. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Georg Thieme Verlag KG, Stuttgart
Fachgebiete: Organische Chemie
Science of Synthesis Reference Libraries
Übergeordnete Publikation
Titel: Science of Synthesis
DOI: 10.1055/b-00000101
Typ: Mehrbändiges Werk

While chemists struggle to find efficient methods to perform the asymmetric addition of water, nature employs countless enzymes (called hydratases or hydro-lyases) to perform this reaction using substrates with both activated and nonactivated double bonds. However, compared to the vast number of hydratases involved in metabolic pathways in nature, only a few are described for their use in organic synthesis. Nevertheless, their potential in asymmetric catalysis has been recognized and some hydratases are used on a large scale in industrial processes. Since hydratases perform the addition of water, water is used as both a solvent and a reagent, opening up a very efficient and green route to both secondary and tertiary alcohols. This chapter focuses on hydratases that catalyze interesting reactions and are tested beyond their biochemical characterization.
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