Faber, K. et al.: 2015 Science of Synthesis: Biocatalysis Organic Synthesis 2 DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-215-00069
Biocatalysis in Organic Synthesis 2

2.1.4 Enzymatic Carboxylation and Decarboxylation

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Herausgeber: Faber, K.; Fessner, W.-D.; Turner, N. J.

Autoren: Au, S. K.; Bartsch, S.; Beecher, D.; Boffi, A.; Bommarius, A. S.; Bonamore, A.; Brown, G.; Busto, E.; Clapés, P.; Faber, K.; Fischereder, E.-M.; France, S. P.; Fuchs, C. S.; Geertsema, E. M.; Glieder, A.; Gruber-Khadjawi, M.; Hall, M.; Hanefeld, U.; Hussain, S.; Ilari, A.; Janssen, D. B.; Kaluđerović, G. N.; Kroutil, W.; Lamm, A. S.; Leipold, F.; Lewin, R.; Li, A. T.; Li, Z.; Majerić Elenkov, M.; Micklefield, J.; Moody, T. S.; Mix, S.; Müller, M.; Poelarends, G. J.; Pohl, M.; Pressnitz, D.; Resch, V.; Richter, N.; Rosazza, J. P. N.; Schreckenbach, H. F.; Simon, R. C.; Steiner, K.; Szymański, W.; Thompson, M. L.; Turner, N. J.; Venkitasubramanian, P.; Vogel, A.; Wechsler, C.; Wessjohann, L. A.; Wohlgemuth, R.

Titel: Biocatalysis Organic Synthesis 2

Print ISBN: 9783131741615; Online ISBN: 9783131975317; Buch-DOI: 10.1055/b-003-125813

Fachgebiete: Organische Chemie

Science of Synthesis Reference Libraries

Übergeordnete Publikation

Titel: Science of Synthesis

DOI: 10.1055/b-00000101

Typ: Mehrbändiges Werk



Carboxylation reactions utilizing whole cells or purified carboxylase/decarboxylase enzymes enable the regioselective formation of new C—C bonds under more benign conditions than are typically used in nonenzymatic transformations such as the Kolbe–Schmitt reaction. A wide variety of substrates have been used in enzymatic carboxylation reactions including phenols, styrenes, pyrroles, and indoles.

Enzymatic decarboxylation can be used to transform simple achiral carboxylic acid substrates into more valuable homochiral building blocks through stereoselective C—H or C—C bond formation. For example, arylmalonate decarboxylases catalyze the enantioselective decarboxylative protonation of α-aryl- and α-alkenylmalonic acids under mild conditions and with excellent enantioselectivity. In addition, thiamine diphosphate dependent decarboxylases catalyze C—C bond formation with a broad range of α-keto acid and aldehyde substrates to produce homochiral α-hydroxy ketones.

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