Lin, Samuel J. et al.: 2024 Neck Rejuvenation DOI: 10.1055/b-0044-201785

5 Triple Suture for Neck Contouring

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Editors: Lin, Samuel J.; Slavin, Sumner A.; Tandon, Vickram J.

Authors: Angelini, Matteo A.; Cunha Araujo, Marcelo; Barrios, Esther; Bellamy, Justin; Boustany, Ashley N.; Chia, Christopher T.; Citarella, Enzo R.; Condé-Green, Alexandra; Couto, Rafael A.; Dayan, Erez; Dover, Jeffrey S.; Ebersole, Trina G.; Foppiani, Jose A.; Gould, Daniel J.; Grover, Ritwik; Grow, Jacob N.; Janne Hasbun, Samir; Hogan, Sara R.; Hurwitz, Dennis J.; Kaminer, Michael S.; Kaminer, Michael S.; Kochuba, Andrew L.; Maia, Munique; Matarasso, Alan; Nassar, Amer H.; Nicholas, Mathew N.; Piña, Jeremie O.; Pelle-Ceravolo, Mario; Rodriguez-Unda, Nelson A.; Rohrich, Rod J.; Sinder, Ramil; Sterodimas, Aris; Talei, Benjamin; Ziai, Hedyeh; Zins, James E.

Title: Neck Rejuvenation

Subtitle: Surgical and Nonsurgical Techniques

Print ISBN: 9781626239630; Online ISBN: 9781684202850; Book DOI: 10.1055/b000000386

Subjects: Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Enzo R. Citarella, Ramil Sinder, Alexandra Condé-Green, Samir Janne Hasbun, and Esther Barrios


Neck treatment is important for better contouring and repositioning of structures that suffer from ptosis over time. Global facial aging can be treated by 6 vectors (V1–V6). The neck region corresponds to vectors 4 to 6, which can be treated together or individually. This technique consists in the placement of three types of sutures: a first line of sutures tractioning the platysma and the anterior belly of the digastric muscle, a second single suture at the level of the thyroid cartilage, and a third running suture starting at the level of the thyroid cartilage up to the supramental region. With the triple-suture technique, the long-term results are maintained in the experience of the senior author.

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