DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 02 · Volume 59 · 1988 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-45134

Review Article

Original Articles

Selley, Michael L; McGuiness, Julie A; Jenkin, Lynn A; Bartlett, Mark R; Ardlie, Neville G: Effect of 4-Hydroxy-2,3-trans-nonenal on Platelet Function
Lämmle, Bernhard; Zuraw, Bruce L; Heeb, Mary Jo; Schwarz, Hans Peter; Berrettini, Mauro; Curd, John G; Griffin, John H: Detection and Quantitation of Cleaved and Uncleaved High Molecular Weight Kininogen in Plasma by Ligand Blotting with Radiolabeled Plasma Prekallikrein or Factor XI
Taylor, R R; Strophair, J; Sturm, M; Vandongen, R; Beilin, L J: Time Dependence of Whole Blood Aggregation in Response to Platelet Activating Factor (PAF)
Lad, N; Honey, A C; Lunt, D O; Booth, R F G; Westwick, J; Manley, P W; Tuffin, D P: Effect of SC 38249, a Novel Substituted Imidazole, on Platelet Aggregation In Vitro and In Vivo
De Stefano, V; Leone, G; De Carolis, S; Ferrelli, R; Di Donfrancesco, A; Moneta, E; Bizzi, B: Management of Pregnancy in Women with Antithrombin III Congenital Defect: Report of Four Cases
Wada, H; Tomeoku, M; Deguchi, A; Suzuki, H; Mori, Y; Ito, M; Deguchi, K; Shirakawa, S: Anticoagulant Activity in Cell Homogenate of Adult T Cell Leukemia
De Caterina, Raffaele; Giannessi, Daniela; Bernini, Walter; Mazzone, Annamaria: Organic Nitrates: Direct Antiplatelet Effects and Synergism with Prostacyclin
Kim, Hugh C; Salva, Kathryn; Fallot, Paul L; Karp, George I; Eisele, Joan; Matts, Linda; Heller, Ilana; Saidi, Parvin: Patients With Prolonged Bleeding Time of Undefined Etiology, and Their Response to Desmopressin
Maffrand, J P; Bernat, A; Delebassée, D; Defreyn, G; Cazenave, J P; Gordon, J L: ADP Plays a Key Role in Thrombogenesis in Rats
Ristimäki, Ari; Ylikorkala, Olavi; Perheentupa, Jaakko; Viinikka, Lasse: Epidermal Growth Factor Stimulates Prostacyclin Production by Cultured Human Vascular Endothelial Cells
Dol, F; Houin, G; Dupouy, D; Cadroy, Y; Caranobe, C; Gabaig, A M; Mardiguian, J; Sie, P; Boneu, B: Pharmacokinetics of Dermatan Sulfate in the Rabbit After Intravenous Injection
Bruggeman, C A; Debie, W H M; Muller, A D; Schutte, B; Dam-Mieras, M CE van: Cytomegalovirus Alters the von Willebrand Factor Content in Human Endothelial Cells
Kadhom, N; Wolfrom, C; Gautier, M; Allain, J P; Frommel, D: Factor VIII Procoagulant Antigen in Human Tissues
Cadroy, Y; Dol, F; Caranobe, C; Petitou, M; Lormeau, J C; Sié, P; Choay, J; Boneu, B: Standard Heparin Enhances the Antithrombotic Activity of Dermatan Sulfate in the Rabbit but CY 216 Does Not

Original Article


International Committee Communications

Letters to the Editor

Violi, F; Ferro, D; Valesini, G; Quintarelli, C; Balsano, F: Lupus Anticoagulant in Liver Cirrhosis
Wojta, J; Kirchheimer, J C; Peska, M G; Binder, B R: Effect of Caffein Ingestion on Plasma Fibrinolytic Potential
Ludwig, M; Schwaab, R; Olek, K; Brackmann, H H; Egli, H: Haemophilia B+ with Inhibitor

letter to editor

Omri, A; kruithof, E K O; Bachmann, F: Histidine-Rich Glycoprotein During Pregnancy
Marongiu, F; Mameli, G; Acca, M R; Mamusa, A M; Mulas, G; Balestrieri, A: Low Grade DIC in Liver Cirrhosis: Fact or Fiction?
Mombelli, G; Monotti, G; Haeberli, A; Straub, P W: Low Grade DIC in Liver Cirrhosis: Fact or Fiction?-Rebuttal
Alessi, M C; Juhan-Vague, I; Valadier, J; Joet, C Philip; Holvoet, P; Collen, D: Relevance of Free tPA Assay Following Venous Occlusion in Patients with Venous Thromboembolic Disease